I am a working evidential medium. I started professionally doing readings in 2021. In 2018 I became a certified end of life doula and discovered my first person I ever worked with didn’t stop communicating with me after she died. Once I believed that this was happening I started reaching out to other professionals in the end of life profession and other mediums. In 2020 I embarked on a 12-week 1:1 mentorship and was coached by a professional medium weekly. I started honing in on my gifts, which we all have. Not all of us will tap into our intuitive gifts but they are there.
My life completely changed when I walked into this journey willingly. It wasn’t too long after my 12-week mentorship that I discovered kundalini. A very amazing dead musician led me to kundalini, which was a 9-month discovery of not truly understanding what process I was experiencing. Since then I have worked with a kundalini medium as I walk this journey of waking up this amazing energy we all have within us. In my opinion when you walk the kundalini journey and unwind all the knots you start attracting abundance and your heart and souls desires for this lifetime. You tap into the lessons your soul set to learn in this lifetime. My soul felt tired as I’m pretty sure I’ve been making the same mistakes and have stayed in a cycle over many lifetimes. I have realized unwinding the knots from past lives and connecting with people from our past lives can also be a very important part of this walk.
When you book a mediumship session with me, your initial reading must be 55-minutes or more. Follow up sessions can be 30-minutes. I do readings by Zoom or phone. I also now offer in-person readings. Call 503-863-0596 for in-person meetings and pricing.
When we start the reading we find a music station that will help us connect to your loved one and that’s when I thoroughly tell you what to expect, especially emotions. I communicate with your permission to your guides and/or deceased love ones.